community breathwork

community breathwork

community breathwork

Breathwork is a transformative experience that allows you to journey deep within yourself -- allowing you to get out of your head and drop into your heart and body. We will actively breathe for 30 minutes with a brief meditation and visualization exercise on either side of the breathing practice to help us ground ourselves leading into and coming out of the work. In total, we will be together for approximately 75 to 90 minutes.

By hyper-oxygenating your body through the breath, you may reach a non-ordinary state of consciousness which can provide you access to parts of yourself you rarely experience. Breathwork anchors you in the present moment through focusing on a breath repetitively which helps to reduce stress and remove mental, physical, and emotional obstacles that prevent you from being able to more deeply and clearly connect with yourself.

This is a powerful three-part breath (inhale, inhale, exhale) that can immediately shift you into a state of well-being and feeling of peace while increasing insight, clarity, and creativity

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